Friday, February 17, 2023

Highly Prospective Li Targets in NW Ontario's Kenora Mining Region

 Basic Li Grassroot Facts.

Breaks and Tindle, 1997 :

- Fertile granites differ from barren (common) granites in their geochemistry, mineralogy, and texture. Fertile granites tend to be large plutons or batholiths, typically greater than 10 km2 in outcrop area .

Selway, Breaks & Tindle, 2004 :

-They are silicic (quartz rich) and peraluminous (A/CNK > 1.0), resulting in crystallization of Al-rich minerals such as muscovite, garnet, and tourmaline.  

- The presence of muscovite in barren granites tends to be silver colored and medium grained, whereas muscovite in fertile granites and pegmatites tends to be green (but may also be brown, silver, and rarely pink) and coarse grained (>2 cm across).

-The presence of garnet in a granite indicates that the granite is peraluminous and fertile, because barren granites do not contain garnet.

-The presence of pink, green, or blue Li-rich tourmaline indicates that the pegmatite has economic potential for Li, Cs-Ta, although not all Ta-mineralized pegmatites contain tourmaline. 

-The presence of blue or green Mn-rich fluorapatite indicates that the pegmatite has economic potential for Li-Cs, Ta, although not very many Ta-mineralized pegmatites contain Mn-rich fluorapatite.

-The presence of beryl indicates that the granite is fertile and peraluminous, because barren granites do not contain beryl.

Selway Breaks & Tindle 2005 Update

Within this region the Ontario Geosciences published recommended areas for Li exploration in 2011.

English River Subprovince

Several large areas of the English River Subprovince in Ontario have been affected
by granulite facies regional metamorphism. At least three principal areas, intermittently
spaced along a strike length of 315 km, have been delineated as indicated in Figure 14-1
as follows:
1) Umfreville Lake-Conifer Lake Zone,
2) Cliff Lake-Clay Lake Zone (Westerman 1978), and,
3) Eastern Lac Seul Zone (Urquhart 1976; Breaks and Bond 1977)

The prospect areas:

1)  all have anomalous lake geochemistry lithium (Li) clusters and relevant pathfinder elements cesium (Cs), Rubidium (Rb), Tin (Sn) and tantalum (Ta) present in sediments (Source: Lake Geochemistry of Ontario , Ontario Geological Survey), which can indicate coincident geochemical anomalies that could hold Li-Cs-Ta (LCT) pegmatite mineralization.

2) are located in or near the presence of both sodic and potassic suites indicates that fractionation of the pegmatite melt has occurred, which could generate lithium-rich end member components, or are surrounded by peraluminous granite batholiths.

3) have proximity to regional faults.

Li, Cs, Rb Grassroots Prospects for option in NW Ontario.

over 16,000 hectares

  Link to the new GeologyOntario Spatial Search function to find all data here.

Updated NW Ontario prospects for option list.

  1.        link to the updated Cliff lake white pegmatite Li prospect here.                               
  2.        link to the updated Buchan Bay Li, Cs, Rb prospect here.
  3.        link to the Windfall Road Li +Y  prospect here.              
  4.          link to the Scout Lake Li Prospect here.          
  5.        link to Gould lake white pegmatite Li prospect here.     
  6.        link to the updated WarClub pegmatite field Li prospect here.        

Updated claim map:   since staking last Feb, there been a mad rush around around both Buchan Bay  and Warclub claims. link to updated map.

Li, Cs, Rb Prospect in NW of Thunder Bay:

  1. link to the Stewart Lake Li, Cs, Rb Prospect here.         Optioned    5:15 pm 2.17.23

Ni Prospects in  Quebec:

News Release Apr 5 2023:
“A generative alliance represents a significant endorsement of the technical and economic viability of awaruite nickel deposits, which we believe represent a disruptive new source of low-carbon nickel supply for the electric vehicle battery supply chain,” FPX Nickel CEO Martin Turene said on Monday in a news release. 

FPX Nickel is advancing a 0.1% Ni (awaruite) deposit.

Two Ni  (awaruite)  prospects are for option.

Option Terms:

All prospects for option are geared to structure an earn in program moderating the optionee's stock dilution  and conserving it's cash payments for exploration expenditures.

- 90 day due diligence period.

- cost of online staking.

- modest escalating annual commitment payments over the term.

- a royalty rate reduction from 2.5% to 1.50% over 4 years.


Sold Projects:

 Lac Otelnuk iron deposit, Que.

 Block 103 iron deposit, Labrador.

 Citronen zinc deposit, Greenland