Northern Quebec's Ni Prospects


Ultramafic unit consisting of interbedded peridotite and dunite located near a deformation zone and metasedimentary rocks. Rocks are strongly serpentinized. Dunite bedding is marked by chromite laminae, which seems to demonstrate a potential for magmatic chromiferous mineralization. The presence of intense alteration as well as nickel and gold values may also indicate the presence of late hydrothermal mineralization. Samples taken from outcrop 18-GM-5038 have 705 ppb Au, 
2000 to 3800 ppm Ni, and 1350 to 2270 ppm Cr.

  Isuqtaq (Crampon)  and 35H13  claims are located north of the Raglan nickel belt with mantle peridotite bedrock geology.    

   Location maps:

(click on the map images to enlarge)

 known nickel deposits area map


Regional bedrock map:

Isuqtaq (Crampon) Ni + associated critical metals.

Isuqtaq (Crampon) discovery was made in 2018 by the MERN geologists mapping the Lac Watts formation area. 

In BG2019 it states:

"Ultramafic intrusions of the Watts Group are locally altered (pPwa1c). Serpentinization affects peridotites and dunites to varying degrees, which are also carbonated (ankerite) and, in places, silicified. Some samples containing chromite yielded anomalous to showing values of chromium and nickel that would be magmatic in origin. Anomalous gold contents, such as in the Crampon mineralized zone and in sample 18-CL-2226-B1 (236 and 705 ppb Au) are also reported, especially near deformation zones and the thrust sole of the sequence. This may indicate potential for gold mineralization associated with listwaenites."

There is no prior Ni exploration history reported. 


Isuqtaq (Crampon's)  Lithology (Google translation from French) :

A peridotite diffuse metric zone is strongly altered in talc content in a serpentinized peridotite. The peridotite is interbedded with a dunite whose bedding is underlined by the alignment of the magnetite in pseudomorph of chromite. The ultramafic lithologies are located near a mylonitic metasediment.

Mineralization in altered peridotite consists of a very fine dissemination of sulphides

Analysis of selected samples:

- 2018073537 gave values of 2520 ppm Ni and 2270 ppm Cu,

- 2018073963 gave values of 3800 ppm Ni, 1350 ppm Cr and 52.8 ppb EGP, and

- 2018073534 gave 2000 ppm Ni and 1620 Cr and 705 ppb Au.

Typology: Magmatic Ni-Cu assoc., ultra-mafic intrusions. Magmatic Ni-Cu±PGE sulfide deposits can occur with a number of other magmatic ore deposits. These include low-sulfide, contact-type, and reef-type PGE deposits, chromite deposits, and Fe-Ti-V deposits.

Magmatic mineralization of Cr in ultramafic rocks and hydrothermal remobilization of nickel.

Principal chemical element: MgO

Secondary chemical elements: Ni, Cu & PGM 

Fault defined ultramafic intrusion suggests potenital for large low grade disseminated Ni (awaruite) deposit of both magmatic and hydrothermal alteration with upside potential for komatiite type I using deep penetrating VTEM, as was discovered at Dumont Nickel. deposit.

All MERN Sampling data points 2018 map .


         Nearly every grab sample taken has  mineable  Ni mineralization > 1000 ppm 

        with a constant amount of other critical metals.

         For example Sc  >30 ppm


         Substantial MgO as a secondary open pit mineable resource.

        (click on the map image to enlarge)

    Chromite mineralzation

    Cobalt mineralization

    hi res. vertical gradient of residual magnetic map

Bedrock and faults map

    Photo of sample area #2018073963
      - sample area traced  min. surface area 100 x 900 m   
      - thickness is layered with a 10 m (dunite) followed by a 40 m ( serpentized) peridotite.
Fact : Awaruite and nickel-iron alloy are typically formed during the serpentinization of ultramafic rocks.

Satellite photo of the intrusion

 The 2021 Detailed Geochemistry of the Watts Group report attempts to assess the economic potential of the region by specifically describing the stratigraphy of the Watts Group:  
(1) an upper volcano-sedimentary sequence, 
(2) a sheet dyke complex,
(3) a layered sequence of mafic rocks and
(4) a layer of ultramafic rocks.

Outcrop Lithology & Minerals map

peak Field outcrop number : 5038 
1138 1139

Recently Quebec Nickel has announced ddh results in sepentinized rock in an ultramafic intrusion:

A port is 50 Km north ( Asbestors Hill mine's former  port facility).
A landing strip (at  Asbestors Hill mine) is 15 kms sw.
Additonal claim staking is recommended to cover the entire Isuqtaq (Crampon) intrusion.

  35H13   Ni, Au, Cr Prospect

This includes three  known chromite-nickel mineral bodies:
        -  Slaf, Boss Stone, Veniere.                  

Slaf, Boss-Stone and Veniere were discovered by MERN geologists mapping part of the Lac Watts project in 2018. They're located in serpentinized dunite and peridotite that is mineralized with  1% disseminated chromite-magnetite. There's no prior Ni exploration history to report.
Magmatic Ni-Cu±PGE sulfide deposits can occur with a number of other magmatic ore deposits. These include low-sulfide, contact-type, and reef-type PGE deposits, chromite deposits, and Fe-Ti-V deposits

Analysis of grab sample 2018073681 returned values ​​of 7450 ppm Cr, 1640 ppm Ni, 1180 ppm As and 99 ppm Co. A sample taken 450 m northwest at outcrop 18-SL-4086 (2018073972 ) revealed grades of 4370 ppm Cr, 1950 ppm Ni, 170 ppb Au and 998 ppm As.
The alteration zone in the dunite is approximately 50 m in apparent thickness.
Magmatic Cr mineralization in ultramafic intrusions  with hydrothermal  nickel and gold associated 
within a deformation zone.

Is located in deformed and strongly silicified wehrlite with an apparent thickness of 50 m. 
Analysis of two grab samples 650 m apart,  2018073685 revealed values ​​of 15300 ppm Cr, 2480 ppm Ni, 
66 ppb Au, 460 As and 116 ppm Co and grab sample 2018073682 revealed values ​​of 8960 ppm Cr, 
1900 ppm Ni and 144 ppm Co.

Grab samples reveal 3% chromite mineralization and magnetite pseudomorph.
Sample 2018073690 returned values ​​of 7026 ppm Cr, 1760 ppm Ni and 110 ppm Co.
 A pyroxenite sample taken 300 m further south at outcrop 18-GM-5158 shows 2430 ppm Cr 
and 130 ppb EGP (2018073984).   Nickel sampling data reveals wide-spread nickel 
mineralization is both magmatic and hydrothermal alteration, increasing the potential for the  
existence of a large low grade nickel deposit (NiS and NiFe) with associated metal credits.

 (click on the map image to enlarge)      

                                                           hi res. mag. map

     In BG2019 it states:
       "Buff-coloured dunites of the Watts Group (pPwa1b) are particularly visible on satellite imagery (Pleiades). They have potential for layered and podiform chromium mineralization. Three prospetive zones have been identified."
  The largest area is the 35H13 Chromite Nickel Prospect.

       Outcrop Lithology & Minerals map: 
red lined outcrops description links:  4068 4069 4085 4086  4087 4088 5102  5157 2164 2165 3072 3073

(click on the map image to enlarge)

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