Windfall Road Li + REE prospect

 Basic Li Grassroot Facts.

Breaks and Tindle, 1997 :

- Fertile granites differ from barren (common) granites in their geochemistry, mineralogy, and texture. Fertile granites tend to be large plutons or batholiths, typically greater than 10 km2 in outcrop area .

Selway, Breaks & Tindle, 2004 :

-They are silicic (quartz rich) and peraluminous (A/CNK > 1.0), resulting in crystallization of Al-rich minerals such as muscovite, garnet, and tourmaline.  

-The presence of garnet in a granite indicates that the granite is peraluminous and fertile, because barren granites do not contain garnet.

-The presence of pink, green, or blue Li-rich tourmaline indicates that the pegmatite has economic potential for Li, Cs-Ta, although not all Ta-mineralized pegmatites contain tourmaline. 

-The presence of blue or green Mn-rich fluorapatite indicates that the pegmatite has economic potential for Li-Cs, Ta, although not very many Ta-mineralized pegmatites contain Mn-rich fluorapatite.

-The presence of beryl indicates that the granite is fertile and peraluminous, because barren granites do not contain beryl.

Mar 17, 2022 (Paul Malegus) - White granitoid with significant abundance of biotite (40%) and approx. 20-30% muscovite. Primarily composed of quartz. XRD completed on green mineral, which is Apatite with inclusions of Xenotime.

The Windfall Road area contains abundant white pegmatite dikes hosted in biotite-quartz-feldspar

migmatitic rock and white granite. One sample (2011CS014) is elevated in light rare earth elements
and has a total rare earth concentrationof 259.455 ppm.      Presence of cordierite was  discovered.

Ontario Geoscience Recommended areas

Link to  OFR 6381  pdf p88

3)  Scout Lake Granite lithium prospect
4)  Windfall Road lithium prospect        

Exploration History

2021: RGP geologists were completing reconnaissance in the English River subprovince, looking for peraluminous granites and pegmatites. Sample collected during visit.



green mineral, where it returned as Apatite with trace Xenotime inclusions

The rush is on!