Cliff-Clay lakes area Li prospect

Breaks and Tindle, 1997 :

- Fertile granites differ from barren (common) granites in their geochemistry, mineralogy, and texture. Fertile granites tend to be large plutons or batholiths, typically greater than 10 km2 in outcrop area .

- Lount lake batholith  is identiified as peraluminous in Breaks' 1989 thesis map below.

Selway, Breaks & Tindle, 2004 :

-They are silicic (quartz rich) and peraluminous (A/CNK > 1.0), resulting in crystallization of Al-rich minerals such as muscovite, garnet, and tourmaline.  

-The presence of muscovite in barren granites tends to be silver colored and medium grained, whereas muscovite in fertile granites and pegmatites tends to be green (but may also be brown, silver, and rarely pink) and coarse grained (>2 cm across).

-The presence of garnet in a granite indicates that the granite is peraluminous and fertile, because barren granites do not contain garnet.

-The presence of pink, green, or blue Li-rich tourmaline indicates that the pegmatite has economic potential for Li, Cs-Ta, although not all Ta-mineralized pegmatites contain tourmaline. 

-The presence of blue or green Mn-rich fluorapatite indicates that the pegmatite has economic potential for Li-Cs, Ta, although not very many Ta-mineralized pegmatites contain Mn-rich fluorapatite.

-The presence of beryl indicates that the granite is fertile and peraluminous, because barren granites do not contain beryl.

Rare-element pegmatites occur along large regional-scale faults in greenschist and amphibolite facies metamorphic terranes.

Cliff-Clay lakes area  is located within the  Winnipeg sub province, and has:

 high anomalous Rb & Li sediment sampling data.

- biotite-garnet gneisses, cordierite-biotite-garnet gneisses, amphibolites, and granulites outcrop in the Cliff  area.

- ddh data confirming the presence of white pegmatite and Li prospectivity. 


OFR 6092 Li map

Cerny and Trueman (1978) have reported:

p.368 the tendency for mineralized pegmatites to occur in the gneissic areas. 

- p.370) the quartz monzonite units of the potassic suite are probable parental to such mineralized pegmatites.

Note the bedrock geology surrounding the Clay-Cliff lake intrusion in the map below.

The presence of both sodic and potassic suites indicates that fractionation of the pegmatite melt has occurred, which could generate lithium-rich end member components.

Detailed bedrock geology

An updated description of the pegmatite geology can be linked here.

On pdf p14   the potassic suite petrology is described 
 "K-fçldspar + plagioclase + quartz + biotite muscovite"

The description of the Cliff lake porphyritic granodiorite starting at pdf p. 58.

      Presence of exposed pegmatite is later described, as below.




blue dots locate anonymously high lake sediment sampling data points as shown in the OGS Earth geochemical data map below.

OGS Earth's  geochem sediment map with high Rb,  Li & U  anomalous data points found in the NW quadrant of the map.

staked claim block of 544 cells

Previous Exploration   

Selco's ddh locations

 Selco's ddh assessment filing reported  thick intercepts of pink & white pegmatite with Li indicator minerals.   No core multi element geochem assays were completed.

ddh 1-1:

40.5 - 71.5 50  S coarse pink pegmatite

264.0 - 293.0 predominantly coarse pink pegmatite.
334.0 - 338.0 same as above.
352.0 - 397.0 predominantly pink pegmatite with 10 - 207 well layered biotite gneiss inclusions
438.0 - 439.7 grey green quartz feldspar pegmatite, weakly calcareous.

ddh 2-1:

  20.0 -   25.0  course grained pegmatite - pink
142.0 - 154.0  biotite - garnet stringer zone of sulphides at top of garnet zone.
184.0 - 210.0  migmatite - 50% grey to white pegmatite, 4- granodiorite - 50% biotite + biotite hornblende gneiss

ddh 4.1:

164.0 - 167.8  pegmatite with biotite gneiss with both pink and green feldspars.
167.8 - 174.4  sulphides, 30% Po in a quartz biotite gneiss - no cherty matrix.
174.4 - 182.0  pegmatite, pink & green.

ddh 5.1:

  7.0 -  103.0   biotite garnet gneiss, 20% bio. 20% garnet to more feldspathic gneiss with 10% bio, 
                       10% garnet - minor peg. - strong garnets to 69.
112.6 - 140.5  chert - garnet, pyroxene 5-10% pink garnet with pale green pyroxene or chlorite
                       in a cherty matrix, up to 5% Py + d isseminated Po.
134.2 - 137.0 pegmatite, medium grained, greenish feldspars.

155.1 - 155.8 massive vuggy pegmatite
184.0 - 202.0 garnet-hornblende - quartz - feldspar gneiss, locally up to 25% garnet.
202.0 - 222.0 pegmatite + granodiorite with gneissic inclucions.


NE of the Cliff lake claim block, Noranada explored their claims and redefined the area as part of the Lac Seul Metavolcanic Belt.

 "The Lac Seul Metavolcanic Belt consists of high-rank metavolcanic gneisses and highly granitized equivalents. The property lies within a transition series consisting of mafic to felsic volcanic gneisses, proximal volcanoclastic sediments, narrow iron formations and stratiform sulphides."

In 1982, Noranda drilled into the same formation (tonalite to granodiorite-foliated to gneissic-with minor supracrustal inclusions rock) as is found in the Cliff lake claim block. 

It reported  thick intercepts of K-Feldspar and pegmatite with Li indicator minerals.   

In 2008 Delta Uranium stated its claims (which extended to the north part of the Cliff lake claim block)

"The majority of the property is underlain by granite and granite pegmatite with lesser metasedimentary rocks consisting of biotite schist and feldsparbiotite gneiss."

the link to the ddh data  reports NE of the claim block

"Potassic pegmatite usually consists of blocky white K-feldspar and local books of muscovite rimming a quartz core. The K-feldspar typically lacks quartz intergrowths. Garnet, tourmaline, beryl, ferrocolumbite (Nb-oxide), and molybdenite appear sporadically in the central parts of potassic pegmatites"

"Elevated Rb and Cs contents indicate that the feldspar is from a highly fractionated pegmatite."

"The presence of garnet in a granite indicates that the granite is peraluminous and fertile"

 The color and grain size of muscovite changes with increasing fractionation: muscovite in barren granites tends to be silver colored and medium grained, whereas muscovite in fertile granites and pegmatites tends to be green."

"Pegmatites with the greatest potential for Li-Cs-Ta mineralization contain coarse-grained green muscovite"

"The presence of pink, green, or blue Li-rich tourmaline indicates that the pegmatite has economic potential for Li -Cs-Ta, although not all Ta-mineralized pegmatites contain tourmaline."

"Cerny and Trueman (1978, p.368) have reported the tendency for mineralized pegmatites to occur in the gneissic areas."

"...the white pegmatites are the main hosts for rare-element and other lithophile mineralization."

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    list of available prospects