Gould Lake Li & Ree White pegmatite prospect

 Selway, Breaks & Tindle 2005

Gould lake prospect is an addition to the Windfall Road claim block, where there's a 2021 OGS commentary reprinted.

Link to the new GeologyOntario Spatial Search function to find all data referenced below here.

Grab samples from outcrops  along the highway were taken by OGS geologists, 2011.

The Gould road sampling covered part of a reported small pink granitoid body. 

Sample (2011CS025) of pink pegmatite is peralkaline and contains higher than crustal abundance light rare earths particularly cerium and neodymium and has a total rare earth content of 213.247 ppm.

 A white pegmatite sample from a dike cutting the pink granite has an A/CNK ratio that puts it at the low end of strongly peraluminous. 

Samples 2011CS026 and 027 are from a very rusty weathering migmatitic rock exposure on Highway 105. 

Both samples are peraluminous with the pegmatite sample (027) the stronger of the two. Concentrations of rare earth or trace elements is not particularly high.



      Inquire to: miningjv@yahoo.ca