Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The North Rae advanced critical metals prospect U + Th + REE


"The geological model is based on two geological domains. The first is Archean basement granite on gneisses — a highly metamorphic context. The second is Proterozoic metasediments. Most mineralized zones are related to regional-scale pegmatitic dyke swarms. There are deep-seated crustal-scale faults that are Proterozoic, and control several mineralized zones, so the faults are exploration targets, too.

There is a 70 km-long unconformity between Archean rocks and Proterozoic metasediment. This contact has been tectonized by a subsequent orogenic event. Proterozoic sediments were deposited above Archean granitic and gneissic rock formations (basement).

“This is a fantastic environment to look for uranium,” Lulin says. Most of the mineralized zones are located along the tectonized unconformity, in particular the Jonas zone (700 metres long), Puqila zone (6 km long), Cirrus zone (2.4 km long) and Amittujaq zone (3.5 km long).

There is a strong uranium background in the lake-bottom sediments (from 50 to 1,800 parts per million uranium oxide) in the region, especially in the sectors corresponding to the Archean basement and along the Archean-Proterozoic geological contact.

The exploration model is Archean-Proterozoic contact. Mineralization will be explored along late-stage crustal scale faults, and marbles will also be explored. It is possible that most mineralization could be found in pegmatites in host sediments. Pegmatitic dykes are continuous at a regional scale. They can be 5 to 80 metres wide, and individual dykes can be 2 to 3 km long. Lulin will be looking for mineralization starting at surface that could be mined by open pit. "

A new uranium province is discovered in northern Quebec.   Nts 24I12  Quebec. 

                                                   Athabasca basin exhibits same lithology

Lake Harbord lithology : quartzite, marble, paragneiss, amphibolite.
mineralization includes uraninite & associated ree's


Historical data confirms the North Rae and Lac Daniel claims in northern Quebec show significant potential for mineable critical metals mineralization. Here are the key facts:

  • GeologyThe claims are located in a geological context conducive to uranium mineralization, characterized by uranium-ree bearing pegmatites between the archean-aged gneissic-plutonic crust (tonalitic composition) and paleoproterozoic supracrustal cover (a sedimentary sequence known as the Lake Harbour Group).

  • An Unconformity:  The Lake Harbour Group and, in particular, the unconformity at the base of it, appears to be a primary regional locus of uraniferous pegmatite formation. ( Pegmatites are thought to form from the last fluid fraction of a large crystallizing magma body. )The contact of the Lake Harbour Group with the basement gneiss complex is not only an unconformity but also is an important thrust-fault plane. GM65967 p6
  • Mineralization Zones: Multiple mineralized zones have been identified, primarily associated with pegmatite bodies along tectonically controlled horizons. These zones exhibit variable thicknesses and lateral continuities.

  • Exploration Results: Exploration activities, including ground prospecting, airborne geophysical surveys, and geochemical surveys, have identified significant uranium enrichment and associated ree in the area. Pegmatites have been found to contain uranium grades  to 3.30% U3O8. (Jonas zone)

  • Drilling Results: The 2008 anomaly targeted drilling program was limited to 2 short holes because of weather and mechanical issues. Both had intersected uranium mineralization, indicating uranium grades ranging to 270 ppm U3O8 over various intervals.

  • Channel Sampling: 2009 Channel sampling conducted on known mineralized outcrop zones has returned promising results, with uranium grades ranging from 0.11% to 0.22% U3O8 over significant intervals.

  • Potential for Economic Deposits: The presence of multiple mineralized zones, reasonable grade continuity, and lateral extensions suggest the potential for economically exploitable uranium - Ree deposits, particularly considering the envisioned Rossing-type deposit.

  • Azimut Exploration's last report:  The project was described with several drill-ready targets, with recommendations from previous reports indicating areas for further investigation and potential development to assess the size and economic viability of any potential.

Assessment Reports' Findings  refer to GM65084 pdf p119

Azimut Exploration discovered the North Rae and Lac Daniel critical metals mineralized pegmatite prospects (2005- 2009 with +$8,000,000 in expenditures) in northern Quebec.

"There are two exploration vectors common to several of the largest and best-mineralized
pegmatite bodies. One is proximity to the Lake Harbour/Baudan Complex interface. The
other is proximity to the northwest-striking Daniel Lake Fault. The dominant uranium
minerals at North Rae are uraninite and uranothorianite."   

The "pegmatite field" is comprised of 12 mineralized zones exposed along a cumulative strike length of about 17km (Lulin, 2009).

Individual pegmatites display variable thicknesses and lateral continuities - up to 80m thick and with kilometric-scale extents. 

The pegmatites are oriented subparallel to the dominant gneissosity. 

The known mineralized pegmatites frequently occur along or in close proximity to the unconformable interface between the Archean crust and the overlying Proterozoic metasediments (Lake Harbour Group).  

There appears also to be a structural control component - proximity to late northwest-striking regional fault zones, such as the Daniel Lake Fault. 

Azimut envisioned the potential of:
-  an open pit mineable deposit  and,
-  the possibiliity  of a  higher grade unconformity deposit at depth.


Mineralization Zones

Jonas Zone as high as 3.30% U3O8

The Jonas zone uranium mineralization displays a high composite grade. Jonas Centre, Upper, and West channels samples (totaling 69 samples) averaged 1,020 ppm U and 0.124% U308.

Amituujjaq zone

Amituujjaq zone is a 4 km long pegmatite system sitting near the contact of the Baudan with the Lake Harbour Group. Of 23 samples collected along it, seven (7) assayed over 0.1% U3O8, and as high as 0.423% U3O8. The average of the 23 samples was an impressive 0.124% U3O8, with an improved U/Th of 2.2

Aqpiq Composite Zone over  a 1.5km strike length.  as high as 1.75% U3O8

If the channel sample results from the former four (4) pegmatite exposure zones are combined into a single entity, the average estimated uranium content for the 74 channel samples comprising the resultant Aqpiq Composite Zone (ACZ) is 638 ppm U and 0.077% U308.

Other Publications' Key Facts

1)   The Cage uranium province was discovered during an exploration survey made in 2005 in Northern Québec, (published in 2009).

      " The pegmatoid bodies are generally poorly mineralized in U, except for some located  outside the CAGE district (e.g., Amaujaq  - ie.,  North Rae claims)."   see map 

       Two types of mineralization have been distinguished according to their geological setting, mineralogical, and geochemical characteristics, but both give the same age on uraninite (1790 ± 10 Ma). 

     " The first type is hosted by impure dolomitic marble (with phlogopite – olivine – K-   feldspar) and skarnoids (diopside – tremolite – phlogopite – K-feldspar – scapolite), resulting from nearly isochemical metamorphism of impure dolomitic limestone or marl."

     " The second type of U mineralization is hosted by calc-silicate rocks (skarnoids or primary skarns) located in the vicinity of pegmatoid injections in transtensional settings.The endoskarns are dominated by scapolite and the exoskarns by Fe-rich diopside. Newly formed tremolite, scapolite (20 < Marialite % < 70), phlogopite, and calcite in veins and vugs are spatially associated." 
     " The ore minerals are Th-rich uraninite and uranothorianite, characterized by high REE contents, a weak global fractionation, and a marked Eu anomaly. These are typical of magmatic uraninite, in particular that of the Rössing alaskite."

2)      An more recent geological study describes the discovery as follows:                                                           
"A new uranium district has recently been discovered in the Province of Rae, in the Province of Superior, located in northern Quebec, Canada. The area was explored for uranium pegmatites, placed between an archean base (Chipon area or Churchill area) and a Proterozoic cover    The nature and implementation of these deposits, discovered by Exploration Azimut (the North Rae and Daniel Lake) and the Arreva in the north (the Cage area) are compared with those of Rossing, Namibia. "

 "The archaeian metamorphic base is predominantly tonalitic, while the cover, of proterozoic age, is mainly a quartzo-feldspathic gneiss with shreds of basaltic rocks, marbles, silicates and graphite shales. Two types of mineralized pegmatites can be distinguished by their mineralogy, petrium and geochemistry.                                                 

Puqila-like pegmatites are characterised by sub-horizontal dykes and a high proportion of rounded feldspars in a matrix of biotites, quartz, apatites and zircons. Radioactive minerals are mainly Uraninites, uranothorites and monazites.                
Aqpiq pegmatites also form subhorizontal dykes and are characterized by a very high quartz matrix, with minor amounts of ferromagnesians, feldspar and high concentrations of monazite, blue apatite and uraninite.                                           
The rare earth element spectra also show that Aqpiq-type pegmatites are much richer in rare earth elements than Puqila pegmatites. The geochemistry of rare earth elements in pegmatites suggests that monazite has strong control over the spectra of rare earth elements, resulting in a strong fractionation of light and heavy elements as well as a large negative europium anomaly."                                                                                         

"The main phosphates were defined by SEM analysis of pegmatite of Puqila and Aqpiq and bring together the different minerals rich in elements of rare earths as well as the alteration minerals associated with them. "

"...monazite is more enriched in U and Th than bastnaesite or apatite."

"...monazites are enriched in Ce (from 10% to 25%); The (6% to 13%); Nd (3% to 8%); Th (7% to 14%) and U (1% to 2%)."

" ...apatite has a content of 3.5% F, no detectable REE, as well as 1.5% U and 4.7% Th."

"...bastnaésite contains 8.6% F, 25% Ce and 16% La. Traces of Sm (1.25%) and Gd (0.8%)"

cate rocks (skarnoids or primary skarns) located in the vicinity
of pegmatoid injections in transtensional settings. The endos-
karns are dominated by scapolite and the exoskarns by Fe-rich
diopside. Newly formed tremolite, scapolite (20 < Marialite %
< 70), phlogopite, and calcite in veins and vugs are spatially
associated. The ore minerals are Th-rich uraninite and urano-
thorianite, characterized by high REE contents, a weak global
fractionation, and a marked Eu anomaly. These are typical of In 2007 Areva paid $52,000,000 for 10% of Urancor, the registered title owner of the Cage claims.

3)   In 2008 NWT Uranium estimated their North Rae & Lac Daniel uranium discovery had the potential value of  $500,000,000.

                                                                 New uranium province map

link to the  Oct.  6 / 2009 news release here.

link to the  Nov. 5 / 2009 news release here.

Quebec's Sigeom North Rae summary description:

" - Results from ground prospecting and airborne geophysical surveys and geochemical surveys all indicate that the North Rae area is significantly enriched in uranium. 

- Highly mineralized pegmatites were found southwest of Amittuujaq Lake (Barnoin River). These pegmatites yielded grades up to 0.58 % U3O8 on selected and properly collected samples. The pegmatite network extends for a minimum of 4 kilometres along strike, potentially 8 kilometres. 

-Assuming an average grade of 0.1 % U3O8 is obtained on these pegmatites, a commercially exploitable uranium deposit is foreseeable. Such grade is considered by the author as realistic. 

- Numerous other uranium occurrences were found, with grades ranging from 0.1 to 0.4 % U3O8 discovered in 2006, all on selected samples, scattered over the whole property. 

- Most airborne spectrometric anomalies, when tested on the ground, were explained by the presence of enriched granites and granitic gneisses. 

- When prospected, most uranium enrichment in lake-bottom sediments were explained. This indicates the efficiency of the method. Lake-bottom sediment survey supported by an airborne geophysical survey proved to be a very effective tool to guide prospecting.

 - There is no evidence that uranium is hosted in other geological setting other than granites and pegmatites. Pegmatites should be considered as the most promising type of rock in terms of uranium occurrences, with uranium grades much higher than in typical granites."

North Rae claim block location

Nearest local airport :  Kangiqsualujjuaq - Georges River Airport   30kms

Nearest regional airport : Kuujjuaq Airport, 160 km

1st claim period is 3 years, to renew  & file work a report is Jan 15, 2027. 

North Rae prospect claim block over Aqpiq, Illaluga, Jonas & Amittuujaq uranium zones

Sigeom's Assessment Reports  (supporting data)

      2006 Exploration  Spectro Map Data

    2008 Exploration

Summary of each  U zone (refer to GM65084 pdf p120) :

Amittuujaq 1

"The 4 km long Amituujjaq pegmatite system sits near the contact of the Baudan with the
Lake Harbour Group. It was a weak airborne anomaly, Of 23 samples collected along it,
seven (7) assayed over 0.1% U3O8, and as high as 0.423% U3O8. The average of the 23
samples was an impressive 0.124% U3O8, with an improved U/Th of 2.2."

 Jonas zones

"The Jonas Showing was a small diffuse spectrometric anomaly. Ground investigation
revealed highly radioactive, irregular pegmatite dykes in a rugged terrain, which is folded
and faulted. A total of 54 pegmatite and leucogranite samples were taken at Jonas in 2007.
The average grade of these samples was an impressive 0.169% U3O8, featuring a high of
2.29% U3O8, and with a high U/Th ratio of about 5. A drill hole was started at Jonas in late
September. 2007. Due to very bad weather conditions it was stopped at a depth of 45 m, not
having reached the target. The drill was abandoned there."

     Jonas 1,  

     Jonas 2

    Jonas 3


"The Agpiq Showing was discovered while investigating a spectrometric, non-magnetic
anomaly. A total of 68 bedrock samples were obtained' from the extensive subconformable,
highly radioactive pegmatite dykes found there. These samples averaged an impressive
grade of 0.184% U3O8 - with three (3) samples higher than 1% U3O8 and they averaged a
high U/Th value of about 5. Agpiq was not drill tested."

     Aqpiq Sud-Est,

       Aqpiq Nord-Ouest

link to  Illaluga 1

2009 Exploration

On the 5th November 2009, Azimut reported positive results following a summer 2009 exploration program on its North Rae and Daniel Lake properties in the Ungava Bay region of Nunavik, Quebec. Channel sampling on six (6) of the twelve (12) known uranium-mineralized outcrop zones includes the following results:

  • 0.11% U3O8 (2.55 lbs/t) over 20.0 m (Jonas Zone)
  • 0.16% U3O8 (3.52 lbs/t) over  8.0 m (Jonas Zone)
  • 0.22% U3O8 (4.77 lbs/t) over  8.5 m (Aqpiq Zone)
  • 0.16% U3O8 (3.62 lbs/t) over  6.0 m (Aqpiq Zone)

Channel sample results indicate reasonable grade continuity and the presence of lateral extensions for several of the mineralized zones investigated during this program. Channel lengths were often limited by outcrop dimensions, so many mineralized intervals reported in this press release remain open. The true widths of the sampled sections are generally difficult to assess due to the shallow dips of the pegmatite, but, where observed, there are at least metric to multi-metric measurements.

 In Azimut's last filed report  pdf p. 58-60 there's U ppm, rock sampling data.

NWT Uranium Corp. confirmed "the potential of North Rae as a world-class uranium discovery."

It is drill ready as recommended by Azimut 2009 report.

   2010  DDH results in the New uranium province.

 In 2010 Areva's Cage prospect  located 65 kms NE of North Rae claims) reported ddh data confirming the pegmatite bodies are mineralized at depth.

  Areva reported:

"Calcitic to dolomitic marbles are intersected by dykes and/or pegmatitic masses containing
uranium mineralization. 

- DI09-5006 intersected grades of 0.38%0 U eq over 9.2 m and 0.59%0 U eqover 11.0 m in pegmatite (cut-off 0.3%0 U eq).


Link to Bedrock geology maps at report GM65084 here

Uranium mineralized pegmatite map


The 2010 report recommended:

     1) a detailed geological mapping, followed by a grid patterned of closely-spaced, short drill holes, supplemented by trenching, are recommended to define the near-surface, economic potential of the Aqpiq Composite Zone. 

     2) at Jonas, a limited drilling program is envisaged initially to establish continuity of the Jonas Centre Zone to the east beneath ground cover and continuing beneath the interpreted thrust fault, as well as to test the downdip continuity of the Jonas Upper Zone. 

     3) radon testing on a grid pattern is recommended to locate subcropping uranium mineralization in the area of the poorly exposed Amittujaq Zone.  Drill testing of the resultant targets on these two secondary zones would ensue.

    4) additional ground prospecting is recommended on selected areas. Mineralogical study of Aqpiq and Jonas mineralization is appropriate at this pre-development stage.

Link to the report GM65167 for potassium spectrometric maps pdf p 50, and related rock sampling data chart pdf p51,

    2011 GM65167 Key report facts:

    North Rae's Updated  Aqpiq area map:

Detailed Amituujjaq map

    Refer to GM65967 pdf p. 31 - 46 for detailed results for each zone.

    Refer to pdf p 50 -51 for the report's Conclusions & Recommendations.

     Proximity to Lac Daniel claim block

North Rae sat image

The opportunity exists to step in where Azimut dropped out due to low uranium pricing.
If available use the same Azimut contractors referred to in the reports.

ATI - Permit authorization in Quebec

Claim holders may carry out mining exploration activities on the land covered by their claims without requesting an ATI authorization within the meaning of section 69 of the Act. An ATI authorization is not required for exploration activities carried out without the use of hydraulic machinery or explosives and, in the case of gold mining, without the use of a hydraulic pump. Exploration work such as line cutting, manual rock stripping using a shovel or water pump, geological, geochemical, stream, lake or soil surveys, surface and drilled geophysical surveys, manual sampling of rock and soil and drill holes in overburden using a manual auger and a non-hydraulic portable drill do not require an ATI. Claim holders may also carry out all their indirect exploration work without first obtaining an ATI. Indirect exploration work is work carried out without direct access to the site (e.g. geophysical surveys carried out from an aircraft or helicopter or using a drone, remote sensing surveys and satellite surveys).

Further information is available in the link below.

email to :

Previous projects:
Lac Otelnuk Fe deposit, Quebec Ca 2005
Citronen Zn  deposit Greenland 2007
Block 103 Fe  project Labrador  2010
Stewart Lake Li prospect, Ontario, 2023